A buy-to-let expat mortgage is specifically designed for property investors who are based overseas, but still want to purchase property in the UK.
Latest Case Studies
A first-time landlord requires careful assessment
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Read case studyBuy-To-Let Expat Mortgage
- Loans from £150k to £3m per property
- Up to £10m on a portfolio
- LTV: 75% (the same as non-expats)
- Interest rates: fixed & tracker rates available
- No minimum income if an experienced landlord
- Charge type: 1st charge
- Term: 10 years – no exit charges after 2, 3 or 5 years, depending on initial term
- Completion time: from 10 days
- Location of property: England, Wales
- Offshore trusts accepted
- Companies based anywhere other than sanctioned countries
Expat Buy-to-Let Mortgage –
All you need to know:
Are expats the only overseas investors you lend to?
No, our expat buy-to-let mortgages can be claimed by a range of overseas buyers. This includes foreign nationals, offshore corporate entities, international trusts and more.
Are there any limitations on what countries you’ll work with?
Yes, our expat buy-to-let mortgages cannot be used by overseas investors based in a sanctioned, or FATF blacklisted country. Aside from those countries, we can work with overseas residents from anywhere in the world.
Do overseas residents face enhanced due diligence for your expat buy-to-let mortgages?
While every one of our cases are assessed on their individual merits, foreign investors, including expats will likely go through enhanced due diligence if they have a limited financial footprint in the UK. For instance, if you don’t have property, current accounts, or any credit products in the UK, we will likely explore your background in detail to secure the expat buy-to-let mortgage or foreign national buy-to-let mortgage. We may need proof of your overseas and UK addresses where applicable, and a UK bank account will be required for direct debit interest payments. Throughout the due diligence stage, you will be kept up to speed by your assigned underwriter. Most of the due diligence is done through online tools and the solicitors at the legal stage.
How do you differentiate between your domestic and expat buy-to-let mortgages or foreign national buy-to-let mortgages?
All our mortgage products are split into four tiers. These tiers ascend based on the complexity of your situation. Tier 1 buy-to-let mortgages are for straightforward cases, where our best rates are offered. Tier 4 loans are for our most complex deals that may feature multiple complications coming together at once. Expats and foreign nationals automatically fall into our tier 2 category as a minimum.
Do you place any limitations on the types of properties overseas resident’s can invest in?
No, our expat buy-to-let mortgage and foreign national buy-to-let mortgage loans can be used for a wide range of properties – the same as a UK resident. This includes residential assets, new builds, no room limit HMOs, student lets, flats above commercial, MUFBs to 30 units, holiday lets, and even multiple properties on a single loan.
Do you have any other bespoke products for overseas residents?
Yes, all our bridging loans are available to foreign nationals and overseas buyers. This is the case for all our tailored solutions, including our residential bridging loans, auction finance, and refurbishment finance.
Why Market Financial Solutions (MFS)?
Our expat buy-to-let mortgage is suitable for 2 types of property investors. They are either UK nationals who are living abroad, but still want to invest in the English or Welsh landlord market. Or you are an overseas resident, wanting to invest in property in England or Wales. You will be able to access our buy-to-let mortgages even if you don’t own UK property. Our expat buy-to-let mortgage can be issued to those with foreign income, offshore trusts, who are working for overseas companies and more. So long as you’re not based in a sanctioned country, we could be the right buy-to-let lender for you.