Market Financial Solutions MFS Checkbox

Loan amount:
£100k – £50m

Market Financial Solutions MFS Checkbox

Maximum LTV:

Market Financial Solutions MFS Checkbox

Term length:
3-24 months

Market Financial Solutions MFS Checkbox

Property location:
England & Wales

Market Financial Solutions MFS Checkbox

1st & 2nd

Buy-To-Let & Residential Bridging Loans

Buy-to-let and residential bridging loans are for property investors who want to purchase a variety of residential real estate.

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Bespoke buy-to-let & residential bridging finance

  • Minimum loan amount: £100k
  • Maximum loan amount: £50m
  • Maximum LTV: 75%
  • Interest rates: variable rate from 0.45% (+BBR), fixed rate from 0.90%
  • Charge type: 1st charge, 2nd charge
  • Term: 3 – 24 months
  • Exit fee: POA
  • Location of property: England, Wales

Buy-to-Let Residential Bridging Loans –

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