Market Financial Solutions MFS Checkbox

Loan amount:
£100k – £30m

Market Financial Solutions MFS Checkbox

Maximum LTV:

Market Financial Solutions MFS Checkbox

Term length:
3-24 months

Market Financial Solutions MFS Checkbox

Property location:
England & Wales

Market Financial Solutions MFS Checkbox

1st charge

Development Exit Finance

Development exit finance can help repaying the initial development finance on your project, providing you with extra time to finalise your plans.

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Development exit loan to bridge the gap

  • Min. loan amount: £100,000
  • Max. loan amount: £30m
  • Max. LTV: 75%
  • Interest rates: variable rate from 0.45% (+BBR), fixed rate from 0.95%
  • Charge type (1st/2nd): 1st charge
  • Term: 3 – 24 months
  • Completion time: Funding can be issued in as little as 3 days.
  • Exit fee: POA
  • Location of property: England, Wales

Development Exit Finance:

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